776 تقييم

الاكل وصل متأخر (بسبب تأخر المطعم في التجهيز) ووصل بارد جدًا الميلك شيك سيء جدًا جدًا الساندويتشات طعمها كويس بس الحجم صغير
The burgers were not as expected at all, it was cold, dry, and didn’t taste fresh. They put very minimal sauce inside the sandwich and there was a drink missing from the order with the share box.
Food tasted good and delivery time was good, but the order came very cold and without any forks/cutlery.
The food was cold and the chicken sandwich only was a chicken strip , the sandwich was too small and i found a hair in my fries😣
The food was not as hot
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