12251 تقييم ratings

سئ جداا.. بارد و مش طازة..

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الاكل وصل بارد والدونر ملهوش طعم والبرجر شبه بتاع اطياب 😢

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زمان كان تتبيلة اللحم لذيذة لكن مؤخراً من أسوء الساندويتشات اللي ممكن تأكلها .. لن تتكرر

مفيد 0

الفينو كان ناشف وغير طازج واللحم زفر ومالح والخس دبلان وفي الآخر الساندويتشات كانت فاضية وكمية الاكل غير كافية داخل الساندويتش!!! آخر مرة نطلب منه

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food is not tasty lack of seasoning and cold

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this is the worst order I had from elmenue. the food is not fit for human consumption. the delivery was 1 hour 30 minutes late.. for the price of 300LE ... you get tiny shreds of meat on bun ... the burger meat was dry and burnt. very disappointing

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الكميه قليله جدآ مقارنه بقبل كده ...و السندوتش كمان غلي

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الفراخ بس هو اللي مقبول

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Terrible delivery service! Half of the order was missing; food was cold, and special requests for the burger were disregarded. Wouldn’t call getting the rest of the order an hour later, again cold inedible a compensation. Terrible management!!!

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very bad experience ...bread isn't fresh the meat inside was very dry about the amount was so little ...

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Meat quality and texture was terrible

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and also Application issue in paying with Cards

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تجربة سيئة جدا الاكل جي حرفيا مثلج و الساندويتشات جت فاضية خالص و العيش بايت. تجربة لن اكررها مرة اخري

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They don’t deliver the order and they are unprofessional

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If there is a rate 0 I will take it there is no any professional way of dealing customers after I put my order and the restaurant accepted it and after two hours they called me that they don’t deliver my order because I’m out of their zone

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الله يكرم النعمة بس

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