201 تقييم ratings

Akl wahsh awii w mafeshosh ferkh sooo baaad

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انا لقيت حديده في الاكل

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The seafood salad is great , tasty and fresh

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It was so bad like the worst food i had the pasta tastes like burned and the chicken and muchroom was just horrible

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الساندوتش جلي معجون ف بعضه

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حقيقي الباستا تحفه مع اضافه الفلفل الحار وطاجن الباميه مع الرز مش وحش بس محتاج رغيفين عيش ومش هتكون اخر مرة اطلب منكم شكرا

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الاكل كله مداوق من ثقل الاطباق فوق بعضها + تم تحتهل ملاحظاتي

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The beef stroganoff with pasta/red sauce & vegetables tasted OK, the quantities are good & so are the prices, but there's way too much brown sauce with the beef

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I wouldn’t order from this place again! Food is not their speciality

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قمت بارجاع الطلب للمطعم بسبب سوء الجوده ارجو ارجاع المبلغ والتاكد من المطعم بانني قمت بارجاع المبلغ والتواصل معي

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تم تجاهل كل ملاحظاتي

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I ordered my meal with pasta and french fries .... i didnt get the french fries !!!!

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المكرونه السي فود مكتوب أنها فيها جمبري و كابوريا و محار و كاليمارى و فلفل الوان جه فيها جمبري و محار بس

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negressco was good and full of huge pieces of chicken, the pesto shrimp pasta was so delicious, the creamy pesto was amazing, the shrimp was cooked well but tasted clearly very frozen not much flavor,but the sauce saved it overall would order again

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Bad! The chicken shawerma sandwich was part of the order, & instead of being in sag shawerma bread & with garlic dip as ordered, it came in white fino bread & with mayonnaise!

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Very good this time. The food was hot, came on time & tasted good, with good, large quantities & reasonable prices. Keep up the good work!

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The food was good, very good portions, & good prices, but they sent a green salad instead of the ordered sauteed vegetables. Get it right next time, Canova!

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قطعة الستيك صغيره جدا والملح زياده ف صوص الستيك وايضا في الارز

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