خصم 30 بحد ادني 140ج
عرض على الاوردرات الاكتر من 140 جنيه ينتهي : بعد 3 أشهر
متابعة الاوردر
32 دقيقه
12:00 م - 11:59 م
26693 تقييم

Cold, late, burger would have been good if it was hot. The rest of the food tasted horrible. Neither of my burgers came with drinks or fries when I very clearly ordered “combo”. Maybe it is for the best, chewing through the wedges felt like leather.
price is very good. portions are the reason the price is very good. taste is what you can a truly hand-made authentic American burger. recommend 🤘🏻🔥
بنطلب منهم كتير لكن المره ديه طلبت cheese برجر 150gm البرجر صغير جدا مش 150 خالص و الخس بايظ ميتاكلش و الجبنه مش باينه اصلا و ساندوتش خساره فيه ال ١٥٠ جنيه

Missing Items !! Total mess to miss 3 sandwiches which reflects their careless and mismanagement reflects in zero quality assurance checking each order before delivery 😏
الاوردر غلط وفي شعره وحاجه قرف بصراحه
المزيد اقل