12 Reviews

كالمعتاد فى كل مره اطلب ديلفيرى فى الصباح يطلب منى الانتظار فتره تتعدى الساعه و ذلك لانه (النور مقطوع-الكاشير مجاش-السيستم واقع-مفيش ديليفرى) سيئ للغايه
It was great in the beginning that was 2 years ago and recently i tried it and i had a very bad experience with the food quality and prices !! As its really unacceptable that every place increases their prices while their food quality is bad!
الدلڤري خره سعتين ونصف ولما لغيت الاوردر مش عجبو
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